cerita bersambung.. episode 2

Sesampainya di ujung jalan setapak… Edward menjumpai rumah yg sangat cantik… mungil untuk ukuran sebuah motel.. dengan dinding kayu yg licin… warna kayu yg coklat tua… sangat kontras dengan jendela berwarna biru langit… yg dihiasi dengan gordin pink yang sangat soft…..

Tanpa lama menunggu.. . setlah membunyikan bel 2 kali.. seorang perempuan belia, umurnya sekitar 20an tahun… membukakan pintu untuknya… dya melangkahkan kakinya masuk ke ruangan, yg cukup kecil sebagai ruang penerima tamu…. Dya daftarkan namanya di sebuah buku tamu yang sudah sangat tua tapi antic… tidak ada nama lain tertulis di sana.. walaupun sebenarnya ada 5 buah kamar motel yg siap disewa…

Edward: thank you… (he said after the girl gave him the key)

She showed him his room… it is at the end of the hall… he unlocked the door… put his only bag on the bed… and open the curtains…

“Ah… what a beautiful scenery! Pemandanagn yg sangat indah..” gumam Edward. But he felt unease… he just don’t get his being there anyway… what will he do there? In an unknown village?... how come I just follow the track? Why I didn’t tell the police?

At the terminal…

An middle-aged woman just arrived at the terminal.

A woman; excuse me, is this seat occupied?

Startled, Edward answered: I don’t think so.. he took his bag and moved it under his own chair..

He was waiting for the bus to take him to the airport…

The woman: I’m Nina. What’s yours?

Edward: mm … I’m Edward. Eddy , people call me.

The woman: ah, Eddy… yes.. are you going to the airport? Where to go?

Edward: ah… yes.. New Zealand…

The woman; what a coincidence! I’m going there too. Studying?

Edward: yes, how about you?

The woman: business.. I’m opening my new travel agency there.

Edward: sounds interesting…

The woman: thanks… btw, wanna some drink?

Edward: oh, eh.. cola, please… n thanks

The woman: ok.. I’ll get it for you..

In a few minutes, Edward fell asleep.. the woman took his ticket… and send Edward to somewhere. Dya memapah Edward masuk ke dalam bis .. setengah sadar Edward duduk di bangku pojok belakang…

The woman said to him: have a nice adventure and thanks for the ticket… sorry , but I need it badly..someday I’ll give it back to you…

The bus left the terminal and off to its destination… Edward still fell asleep… and just realized something weird happened when he’s already in the destination of the bus.


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