cerita bersambung.. episode 3

“what am I gonna do here?” thought Edward. “I don’t know anyone here. I am completely a total stranger. Will people accept me as I’m not here as a tourist? I was dumped here by someone I regretly ever met “.

What the hell! Edward dah terdampar di sana. Dan dya mw ga mw must do something. Atw orang akan sadar klw dya benar ga tw apa yg akan dikerjain di desa mereka. “semangat, Edward!” dya bergumam.

Hal pertama yg dilakukannya adalah ‘dinner’.. yap.. it’s getting dark…and he was so much starving.. dan the young lady has called him for the dinner. Dya keluar kamarnya dgn ada banyak rencana yang akan dikerjakan…

At the table, he just found out that there wasn’t any other people around but him… “ah… it’s really annoying.. how can I find out about this place if I couldn’t find anyone to ask? Damn it!”… “aha perhaps the maid can help” … after finishing his dinner… he looked for the young lady in the kitchen… but she wasn’t there.. she wasn’t everywhere he could reach in the house…

“what should I do? where is he going?” he tried to find anything that could reach her… he found a note on the refrigerator”


My working hours finished after dinner.

So if you need me,

Just wait till tomorrow morning.

If you want to take a walk,

The key is in the box on the door.

The maid.

He was already on the pathway… it was so dark that he needed a lantern to walk… just across the street he saw a diner… he could see some people there… not many but enough to chat with.. he stepped into it…. All the laugh and merry stopped and all the eyes just stared at him…

Edward: can I have beer, please? (as he was already at the stall in the bar. He tried to ignore their gaze. )

The bartender: new comer? (and giving him his order)

Edward: yeah…

Suddenly, the people there were back to their activities before I arrived. “what’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with the newcomer? As long as I know, people will question any strangers came to their place? Why they just ignore me?” It seemed that they didn’t care at all about strangers. It was even stranger than I thought. It would be better if they questioned him… it even better if they kept their eyes on him…

“where the hell is this? What kind of people live in this place? It’s very quiet… so quiet that no body will say something to strangers??”

Edward: err.. excuse me… can you tell me what is the name of this place?

The bartender: pardon? You don’t know the name of this place? So why did you come here? Are you lost?

Edward: well, you can say that…

The bartender: well, we call it “mute paradise” it’s a beautiful place but nobody will ever talk to a stranger… they even don’t think that they exist.. they didn’t know other people other than their community…

Edward: but how about you?

The bartender: I’m one of you a long time ago. I came here but nobody ever wanted to talk to me… I felt frustrated. But I cant go back.. I didn’t find any way out… it seemed that once we came here it would be our last destination… so I just decided to run this diner… well, if you can realize ..this is the only diner you find in this place… and I’m sure that you stay in the motel there… and trust me… that is the only motel also…

Edward: the last destination? No way out? Ah.. It’s getting more annoying and interesting.. how can there be such a place??

Not getting the answer for his many questions, Edward decided to go back to the motel… he tried to sleep…. But he couldn’t… he tried to think any possibilities about his being in this unknown place?? But couldn’t satisfy anything….

Finally, at four o’clock in the morning… he couldn’t feel anything and fast asleep.


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