by Nunung Nuraida Rayhan on Friday, September 4, 2009 at 2:44am
ah... this is it...
the day when u were first born to the world. recalling all the past years, it seems that i changed a lot. i mean not only that i'm growing up, its more to the inside me. life is really a miracle. we never know what is gonna happen to us. and i have more faith that allah has our lives in his hand. me, who am really i? does anybody can tell? i mean i feel that im not matured enough. i'm thirty three but what i did, what i'm gone through doesnt really match that number. i wanna be a better person. calmer, perhaps. more patient, of course. lovable, still. n the one n important is i want that everywhere i go, i can make good changes for the world. i mean, people are aware of my being, people realized that i am there.
anyway, thanks to allah swt that had given me more time to live n enjoy the life. He, the one who had given me so much lessons to take, so i can learn much in life.
my prayer: ya allah, jadikanlah hamba menjadi pribadi yg lebih baik, pribadi yg lebih dekat pada-Mu, pribadi yang mampu memberikan kebahagiaan dan keceriaan dalam hidup, pribadi yg mampu menjadi pelindung dan teladan bagi titipanmu pada diri hamba, pribadi yg keberaadannya bisa menjadi manfaat untk orang2 terdekatnya. amin.


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