morning prayer...

by Nunung Nuraida Rayhan on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 2:38am

tuesday at one nineteen morning....

hmm...where do i start? well, let's start with morning guys, morning earth, morning sky, morning people, morning trees, morning bats....

this is the 5th day of lebaran's holiday....n this is September! oh, how much i love this month! september, my birth month...

and you know guys, i was born in Ramadhan days, n this year, my bday is in ramadhan....there is a feeling of excitement in me...

i always feel grateful that Allah still gives me more times to enjoy the life...well, in fact not only enjoy it..but i also habe a burden to fill my life with good deeds...(insha allah)..

unfortunately, i feel that each year, less summons i, i dont think i am better every sad n so i wish i could change myself...change be the better be the better mom for my only be the better teacher for my be the better bestfriend for my dearest be the better child for my beloved be the better sister for my sis n bro...and of course to be the better human being for the Al Mighty, Allah azza wa jalla...aminnnnn

sometimes, we almost forget what we live for...we are often busy with the glamorous world that we forget that all we have here is not lasting forever...oh, dear God, let me be your better worshipper...let me give my one third time for you...always remind me that i live here just for You...not for all teh fake things here, on earth...

i know that human makes misdeeds and mistakes...but let me reduce the frequence...dont let me fall to the deepest hole...give me strength to say "NO" to the bad things...give me courage to say YES to the good things...amin


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