The most......^^ by Jon Abraham Siddique

by Nunung Nuraida Rayhan on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 8:12pm
The most beautiful day? Today

The easiest thing? err

The biggest obstacle? Fear

The biggest mistake? Abandonment

The root of all evil? Egoism

The most beautiful distraction? Work

The worst defeat? Discouragement

The best teachers? Children

The first necessity? communicate

What makes you most happy? Be useful to others

The biggest mystery? Death

The worst flaw? Evil humor

The most dangerous person? The liar

The worst feeling? Rancor

The best gift? Forgiveness

The most essential? Home

The quickest route? The right path

Feeling better? Inner peace

Effective protection? The smile

The best remedy? Optimism

The most powerful force in the world? Faith

The people most needed? Parents

The most beautiful of all things? Love


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